Ezra’s Eagle — Part 2: The Assassination of the President and the fall of America

8 min readApr 9, 2020


Part 2 of 3 — August 28, 2019

This article picks up immediately from Part 1. If you haven’t read that yet, make sure you start there.

Now, let’s summarize what Trump has done over the last 3 years and measure how popular those things are according to the 3 sleeping heads…

  • Drained the swamp of evildoers and sleeping eagle head followers
  • He’s a self-proclaimed Nationalist (anti-globalist)
  • He’s removed the USA for awful trade agreements and partnerships that help the Globalist agenda; took on China & Mexico
  • Building a wall to protect our borders and halt illegal immigration
  • He’s significantly increased American Military power
  • He’s ending the Deep State setups in North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, and elsewhere
  • He’s actively prosecuting and dismantling the vast networks of drug, sex, human, and weapons trafficking
  • Economic prosperity, created millions of jobs, record low unemployment

That has got to make those 3 sleeping Eagle Heads very upset. They like to stay behind the scenes and pull the strings of the feathers/Presidents. But, they are about to take a more active role and “waking up” after eliminating the next 4 short feathers, starting with Trump.

Newt Gingrich said in March 2016, during an interview with Fox News concerning the Republican Leadership…

“And now they’re faced with a very real prospect of Donald Trump becoming the leader of the party, and it absolutely drives them crazy. Because he’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club. He’s uncontrollable. Uh, you know, he hasn’t been through the initiation rites; he didn’t belong to the secret society.”

And for this, they will end his life to regain control.

Let’s get back to it…

(2nd Esdras 11:23)

“23 And there was no more upon the eagle’s body, but three heads that rested, and six little wings [feathers].”


A. All of the Presidents on the “left” side or “bad” side of the Eagle are done. This would represent all of the Presidents from Hoover to Obama (14), with Obama being the top, and JFK and Nixon in the middle. All 14 of these Presidents have damaged our freedoms and trampled the Constitution under their feet, or died opposing the Cabal (JFK), or scared into compliance (Reagan). They have not been good leaders, and they are merely the puppets, not the masters.

B. The Eagle heads are STILL asleep.

(2nd Esdras 11:24)

“24 Then saw I also that two little feathers divided themselves from the six, and remained under the head, that was upon the right side: for the four (feathers) continued in their place” (on Eagle’s Right side).


A. Ezra saw two of the last 6 short feathers on the good side, move over to the bad side near the last. Two traitors.

(2nd Esdras 12:29–30)

“29 And whereas thou sawest two feathers under the wings passing over [to] the head that is on the right side;

30 It signifieth that these are they, whom the Highest hath kept unto their end: this is the small kingdom and full of trouble, as thou sawest.”


A. These 2 “moving” feathers from Ezra’s left to Ezra’s right would be 2 feathers/Presidents that God has kept back for The End of the Feathers/Presidents of this Eagle Nation.

B. And when these 2 short feathers rule at the end, the kingdom is smaller than it had once been and it’s full of problems and trouble.

C. Note: these 2 last short feathers come after the 3 Eagle Heads. However, when these last 2 official feathers/Presidents are in office, they serve under the “bad”side and with the last remaining Eagle Head.

(2nd Esdras 11:25–27)

“25 And I beheld, & lo, the [short] feathers that were under the [Eagle’s Right] wing, thought to set up themselves, and to have the rule.

26 And I beheld, & lo, there was one set up, but shortly it appeared no more.

27 And the second was sooner away than the first.

Now it starts to get nuts.


A. We are now on the “good” side of the Eagle and the first feathers are short feathers. The first Feather on this side is Donald Trump.

B. As we will shortly see, thinking “themselves to have to the Rule” is a VERY good thing. I means that for the first time, we have a Feather/President not beholden to the Eagle Heads.

Whether you love or hate Donald Trump, no one can deny that he is owned by no one, and he marches to the beat of his own drum. No one tells him what to do. He is the first in 100 years like that.

It also means that this 2,600 year old prophesy is lining up to RIGHT NOW.

If President Trump is a “short feather” as Ezra states, it means he will either be killed/impeached/resign in the next 2 years, or in the next 6 years. It also means that Pence will become President (by line of Succession), and he will serve an even shorter term than Trump did (completing the remainder of Trump’s term would automatically mean Pence would serve less than Trump did).

(2nd Esdras 11:28–31)

“28 And I beheld, and lo, the two [feathers on the Eagle’s right] that remained, thought also in themselves to reign.

29 And when they so thought, behold, there awaked one of the heads that were at rest, namely it that was in the midst, for that was greater than the two other heads.

30 And then I saw, that the two other heads were joined with it.

31 And behold, the head was turned with them that were with it, and did eat up the two feathers under the wing that would have reigned.”


A. The next 2 feathers/Presidents also “think” in themselves to reign/rule against what the party-line Eagle Heads dictate. This “think” part means, they won’t ACTUALLY reign. They are cut down before they take office, but after they are selected/elected.

B. The next 2 feathers/Presidents die at the same time, because the 3 conspiring Eagle Heads “awake from their sleeping” from behind the scenes and “eat” them. Car/plane accident? State of the Union bombing?

C. Once Pence is gone, immediately after the next two are elected/selected (November 2024?), and before they actually “reign,” (January 2025?) those feathers will be removed by the Heads.

Worst case scenario: Trump is killed tomorrow, Pence is gone in less than 3 years (has to be less than the amount Trump served), the next two are killed right after that…we are ~3 years away from the Eagle heads and the death of America.

Best case scenario: Trump is killed one day before his second term ends. Pence serve almost 2 full terms, but less than trump. That gives us 14 years.

Note that the text says “and shortly it [Trump] appeared no more…”

(2nd Esdras 11:32–33)

“32 But this head put the whole earth in fear, and bare rule in it over all those that dwelt upon the earth, with much oppression, and it had the governance of the world more than all the wings [feathers] that had been.

33 And after this I beheld, and lo the head that was in the midst, suddenly appeared no more, like as the wings [feathers].”


A. The middle/larger/more powerful Eagle Head is no joke. It rules the Eagle Kingdom, and the world, with severe oppression. The Feathers are no longer in charge of the kingdom.

B. No where else do we see “Governance of the World” in this vision or any of the others except for the 4th beast in Daniel and John’s visions. This is it’s MAIN MISSION. I will soon show they are one in the same. The 4th beast spoken of in scripture IS the Eagle Kingdom after the Sleeping Heads awake. It will morph into the New World Order 4th Beast Kingdom (We will cover this part later.)

C. Once the middle head takes over, it will get a quick demise, leaving 2 heads to rule. “Like as the feathers” probably means it will be removed the same way the last 2 short feathers were removed [killed].

(2nd Esdras 11:34–35)

“34 But there remained the two heads, which also in like sort ruled upon the earth, and over those that dwelt therein.

35 And I beheld, and lo, the head upon the right side, devoured it, that was upon the left side.”


A. Evil often destroys itself. The two remaining Heads rule the world after the middle head goes down, and then the heads destroy one another (next verses).

(2nd Esdras 12:22–28)

“22 And whereas thou sawest three heads resting, this is the interpretation:

23 In his last days shall the most High raise up three kingdoms, and renew many things therein, and they shall have the dominion of the earth,

24 And of those that dwell therein, with much oppression, above all those that were before them: therefore are they called the heads of the eagle.

25 For these are they that shall accomplish his wickedness, and that shall finish his last end.

26 And whereas thou sawest that the great head appeared no more, it signifieth that one of them shall die upon his bed, and yet with pain.

27 For the two that remain shall be slain with the sword.

28 For the sword of the one shall devour the other: but at the last shall he fall through the sword himself.”


A. A little confusion of terms here…we can clearly see in verse 25, that the “most High” in verse 23 is NOT God, but rather the Devil. “Most High Evil” would be more appropriate.

B. “Finish his last end” is further commentary on WHEN this takes place…at the END of the world, and also his ultimate goal…world domination.

C. Additional confusion with the term “Kingdoms” here, rather than Kings. I believe the 3 sleeping heads are secret combinations/secret groups rather than a single individual. Whatever/Whoever they are, we know what they WANT and how they THINK: Global governance, human control, oppression, accomplish the wickedness of Satan.

D. The Middle Head actually dies “upon his bed” by the sword of one of other heads. Then the two other heads end up killing each other.

Quick Final Summary…

Ezra sees the future of America, in vision, 2,600 years ago, where President after President will rule for 100 years as puppets to secret masters that awaken after Donald Trump becomes President, to kill him. They will succeed, they will kill his next 3 successors in short order, and then rule the World atop a new American-European World Government.

In the next article, we will go into Revelations Chapter 12 and Daniel Chapter 7 to discuss the 4th Beast in further detail, the fall of America, its glorious return, and the end of the world.

Continued here in Part 3:

