Ezra’s Eagle — Part 3: The 4th Beast Rises

14 min readMar 1, 2020


Part 3 of 3

March 1, 2020

It’s been over 8 months since I posted my first article about Ezra’s eagle prophecy and the response has been insane. Thank you all for the kind messages, questions, and support. If you haven’t read Part 1, you’ll definitely need to start there because everything we discuss below pertains to it.

Here’s the link:

Nearly 300,000 people have read about Ezra’s Eagle here and many have joined #TheGreatAwakening, found God again, are praying for our country and President, and have found or renewed their faith in a glorious future. In the end, God truly does win, along with all who love and follow Him and His beloved Son.

That said, there is a LOT of bad stuff coming our way. And soon.

God has given us all the tools we need including signs in heaven and on earth, prophets, revelation, and more to be prepared for what’s to come. However, it’s our job to be in tune with God, read his words, follow his prophets, know the signs, and to have oil in our lamps (Parable of the 10 Virgins) when the Bridegroom comes (Matthew 25).

In this article, we will review the Trump presidency from a very unique perspective and explore the specific signs of the times that we see now in the mainstream media plus the known events that are to come in the next few years. Our sources and information all come from the Old Testament and New Testament, specifically from Ezra, Isaiah, Daniel, Matthew, John, and Revelation, and years and years of experience and study. I love talking about this stuff so if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me on Twitter.

Let’s get into it.

Let’s start by rewinding 4 years (back to 2016) and first imagining you are one of the leaders of the most powerful group on the planet. A secret, ancient, satanic, global cabal that fully governs the entire world economy, armies and navies, assassins, priests and churches, politicians and governments, all mass media, powerful CEOs from thousands of the worlds largest companies, food and water production and distribution, drugs, weapons, and more. All other secret societies are your appendages and report to you. Ezra in his prophecy calls you a “Sleeping Eagle Head.”

You make the laws. You are above them and they do not apply to you. You can do no wrong and you answer to no one but to your secret oath and evil Master, Lucifer. You were born into it, raised for this purpose, and your family has been a part of this secret combination for generations. You have secret signs and tokens that prove your membership, and you traded your soul for the power you now enjoy. The Christian Sheep believe in divine biblical prophecy, but you actually fulfill it, not God. There is no God.

What is it that you want? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What makes your world go ‘round?

More money…? Of course not. You have more than God (as the saying goes)

Sex? Drugs? Houses? Cars? Things? Also, no. You have anything and everything you want, all the time, instantly.

Power?? Nope. You have it all. You control the President, Congress, Senate, and Courts of the United States and have for 100 years. You control the British Crown, dozens of the most powerful nations, the EU, the BIS, the Fed, and all the central banks. You control Big Tech, Big Oil, and all the Banks. With a simple word from you, you can start global conflict arising from your puppets in Korea, Iran, China, Russia, Syria, and more, by unleashing a terrible virus or sending your armies. You create money out of thin air and then charge interest for it. The random faceless people or earth are simply human batteries and slaves to service and grow your Kingdom. You are above them.

You are unseen, unknown, and so many layers deep that even if someone gets wise to some part of your operation, you are so hidden and insulated, that any number of lackeys from a dozen different layers can take the fall for you should anyone take aim. Some in your organization think THEY lead it, but this is by design. You are safe.

So what DO you want?

Scripture and History tell us (along with a little common sense) that you want two things:

  1. To maintain complete, total, and permanent CONTROL of the entire world and everyone in it
  2. Forbidden, evil, immoral things. (Rather than enumerate in detail here, just think Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Prince Andrew, NXIVM, etc. Think human trafficking and harming children in horrible ways. Anything that is pure or innocent would need defiling, and anything forbidden or off limits or against “the law” would need doing. Awful things. This is what [they] live for. It’s the only thing that makes them feel anything at all.)

Nothing gets your heart racing like a satanic ritual of blood or sacrifice.

Now, you’ve been at this a long time. Your puppets dance nicely for you. They have to comply even if they don’t want to because they are compromised and you own them. Life is good. Then, all of the sudden…

Nov 2016 — Donald J. Trump defeats your Hillary puppet. She actually loses. How can she lose? It’s impossible. We rigged it! We had our thumb on the scale. We controlled it all: the sleeping voters, the mass media, the polls and pollsters, the voting machines themselves, the DNC, the RNC, the politicians on BOTH sides….

This can’t be.

But it is. So what do we do? Well…we prepared for this, at least a little. We have an insurance policy. We can just remove him. But did we cover our tracks?? We never thought we’d lose. So…

RUSSIA!!!!! IT WAS RUSSIA!!!! Trump is an agent of Russia. (The idiot sticks on the news that could actually say that with a straight face must have some SERIOUS skeletons in their closet). Without interference from Russia, Hillary would be President. The DNC was hacked by Russia, and emails stolen. FBI Confirmed it. CrowdStrike confirmed it. The “Intel Community” confirmed. It MUST be true. “Disney, Alphabet, GE, News-corp, DNC, Democrat leadership, DOJ, FBI, CIA…let’s go. All hands on deck.”

“The morons are buying it. Seth Rich is dead. Assange is contained. Bob Mueller will help us. He’s one of us. He will make sure Trump is prosecuted and arrested. Everything will be fine again.”

2 long years later…Mueller fails. So now what? New orders.

“Ok….well, Nancy & Chuck…you’re going to make something happen or we will end you..” Now where can I find a whistle-blower…


Trump bribed…wait, no…he uh, extorted!!….No, wait….he engaged in a quid pro quo….NO! I GOT IT. He ABUSED his power as President and obstructed congress. We’ve got him!

6 months later…

(Side note: What’s so ironic about this is [they] spent the last 100 years making the Office of the President of the United States SO POWERFUL, that whoever controls it, controls a LOT. Like…everything. The President is the Keystone in the arch of global governance. Since Hoover, [they] have controlled the Office all the way up through Obama, Republican and Democrat alike, presenting only an illusion of choice. Now ALL of that power and control rests with Donald John Trump, with all of the tools they built and used to use on us. That’s effing hilarious. Sucks to be them. This is also why they have no choice but to kill him. More on that below.)

In the meantime, the last 3 years under Trump have done more damage to their Secret Combination than any period of time in modern history. Not only because they have never controlled SO MUCH of the World as they do now, but because Trump has devastated their entire organization from a hundred different angles of attack. Think of it:

  • Name a Country: we have peace, better trade (China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, others), they are paying a fair share for the first time ever, better allies than ever before. MEXICO is stopping illegal immigrants from crossing the border. Mexico.
  • Wars???? Over. North Korea, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and more. He’s ending all wars, and not starting any new ones.
  • ISIS…gone. Soulemani and Baghdaddi…dead.
  • Thousands of CEOs, Politicians, and other world leaders have resigned or been arrested
  • Hundreds of child porn sites/rings have been dismantled. Pedophiles, targeted and arrested.
  • Executive orders targeting human traffickers along with significant arrests and law enforcement action along with help and support for victims
  • The FBI, DOJ, CIA, and other US Law enforcement entities have been gutted from the top down
  • The mass media HATES Trump — that alone ought to tell you who’s side he’s on…
  • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history. Jobs, wealth, prosperity, etc
  • Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE. Basically every single thing Obama Muslim Brotherhood Hussein did…UNDONE.
  • Withdrew the United States from the deep state Paris Climate Accord and other fake climate BS
  • Created the Space Force as the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
  • Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration. 180+ judges.
  • Confirmed two Supreme Court Justices. Will have a shot at a couple more.
  • Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
  • Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognized it as the capital, and proposed a peace deal to the Palestinians that could actually work
  • Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
  • BUILDING THE WALL — They really hate this one. They want open borders globally.

The above are just a tiny sliver of the things President Trump has done, and in only 3 years! THE CABAL HATES HIM. And this list doesn’t even take into account all of the things he and his administration have done/are doing that we DON’T YET KNOW ABOUT. #redpill

Trump, his administration, and his team of patriots, are the single greatest threat to this ancient cabal in a hundred years (or more) and they are panicking like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

So what options do [they] have left:

  1. Do nothing — Trump completely ends their rule and exposes them. Mass awakening, Indictments, mass arrests. A newer, freer, happier, better world. — NOT AN OPTION
  2. Win the 2020 Election — “Our controlled media will help elect our inside people and we will defeat him at the ballot box.”— NOT AN OPTION (are you kidding me? Freaking Mike Bloomberg??? Or Bernie Sanders???? OR SLEEPY JOE?!!! Even the Sleeping Heads know they have ZERO chance of winning an election fair and square). Corona Virus?! Crash the Economy?! — They need to cheat their asses off.
  3. Take Trump OUT — This is the most viable option.

Ezra saw it 2600 years ago. If his prophecy is true, and I believe that it is, the following will very likely occur:

  1. Trump will win reelection in November 2020 (unless they kill him before the election or cheat)
  2. The “Trump Next 4 years Agenda” will HEAVILY target the Deep State in even more significant and public ways. Indictments, arrests, etc. My gut tells me he ends the FED and likely takes us back to a gold standard or files “bankruptcy” with them and simply refuses to ever pay them back. Just THINK how the Deep State will react to that!! If you had the ability to do just one thing out of many to take [them] down, that would have the biggest direct impact. They’d be instantly broke.
  3. Then, in the first year or two of his term, [they] will end his life. Folks, we are a year or two away. 4 at the MOST.
  4. Pence becomes President — A new deep state decision tree begins: “We do nothing, we try to control him, we win the 2024 election, or we kill him too.” Ezra tells us exactly what happens. Pence is on the GOOD SIDE of the Eagle so we know that he is a good guy (Not beholden to the 3 sleeping Eagle Heads/Cabal) like Trump. He is the second short feather, his term will be shorter than Trumps, and he will NOT be elected President in 2024.
  5. In November 2024, a new GOOD GUY/GAL US President will be elected, along with a good guy VP.
  6. Before they can take office in Jan 2025, the Sleeping Eagle Heads/Deep State/Secret Cabal will have no choice but to KILL the President and VP-to be. The United States as we know it, along with our beautiful constitution, will be nearly destroyed. Our democratic republic will be overtaken in blood, to make way for a new global empire. We will get it back, but only after a 2nd civil war. More on that later.

This tragic reality is only FOUR years away from the time of this writing, friends.


If all of this is true, and the interpretation correct (those are both big IF’s), [THEY] will take over the Government of the United States of America. I love our President, I love America, and I do NOT want this to happen. But I believe it will. Patriots may be in control now, but remember one thing: the scene we read about across thousands of years of scripture detailing the events that unfold before the second coming of Jesus, is REALLY REALLY BAD. Death, destruction, wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, and more. No one will fully escape it, not even the Righteous, and especially not the wicked.

(Random side note: THERE IS NO RAPTURE. No such thing. At least not the garbage that some Darbyist Evangelicals started spouting out back in the 1800’s or described in the Left Behind series of books and movies. God does not lift up the believers into heaven and spare them from what’s coming. If every god-fearing Christian were simply “caught up in the air to meet Jesus,” before the “Tribulation,” then why prophecy about the second coming at all?? Why any signs, or prophecies, or warnings, or any of it for that matter? It flies in the face of all of Jesus’ parables and teachings. It’s bologna, and we are all in this together. It rains on the just and the unjust. Jesus will indeed save us, but not until the VERY END. I intend to write an entire article on this.)

Meanwhile, there will be several significant things occurring as a result of Trumps aggressive 2021/2022 anti-Deep-State actions and also as a result of his assassination.

Imagine it…

You wake up one morning in 2021 or 2022 and see in the news that President Trump has been assassinated. What will the global reaction be?

The markets will tank. Bad guys everywhere will be emboldened. Patriots everywhere will mourn. The Deep State kicks ALL of their activities into high gear.

If the EU hasn’t fallen already by this point, this will surely be the nail in the coffin. It will crater and end in flames. They will be desperate, hungry, and in dire need. The world economy will be in free fall. The world debts will grow exponentially.

Wars and rumors of wars. Unrest at home and abroad. Men’s hearts failing them. Civil war in America.

Now…At last we come to the convergence of the Book of Revelation, Isaiah, Daniel, and Ezra.

Super SHTF stuff now…

When the 3rd Beast (The European Union) falls, the 4th and final beast (global empire) will rise up from its smoldering ashes. The United States, (after Trump, Pence, and the next US President-Elect and VP are gone,) led by the Secret Cabal, will form a global American-European-Russian world government. This “Kingdom” is what Satan has been working towards for millennia, and he will indeed finally physically rule the entire world.

The 4th beast has 10 Horns according to John & Daniel, and this beast is what Ezra’s Eagle morphs into once the 3 heads are dead. I assume those 10 NWO heads include the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, and other EU or perhaps Asian countries, because we know the 4th beast is comprised of the previous 3 beasts plus the US. The “little horn” or “Antichrist” spoken of by John The Revelator will be the leader of the 4th beast Kingdom and he is THE bad guy of all bad guys. He gets his power and marching orders directly from Satan himself. It wouldn’t surprise me if Satan possessed this man personally. A new state religion (a whore — Jesus and his church is a Virgin, the Devil and his church is the opposite, or a whore) will “ride on the back of the beast” and will be a merged amalgamation of Catholicism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all led by….guess who….the Pope. What a guy. There will literally be only TWO churches on the entire planet. Total. Those who do not worship the beast or the whore on it’s back, or it’s image, or it’s new currency, will be severely persecuted. Those who do, become a part of Satan’s Kingdom and will belong to him. Woe unto that person.

In my next article, we will get into this last paragraph verse by verse, in great detail, and get a complete understanding of this 4th beast kingdom, how it forms, the whore church riding on it’s back, how long it lasts, it’s fiery demise, and the events that lead up to the Second Coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Friends and Patriots, one final note…

I do not write this to scare or worry anyone. As I have said before, these are just my thoughts and interpretations of ancient prophecy. I may be spot on or way off. Either way, prophets for thousands of years have seen our day and written about the events we are blessed to see unfolding before our very eyes. What a time to be alive! We are at the end of Earth’s mortal existence and we have been saved to live at this time and place and God is counting on us. How great is that?! This article focuses heavily on the bad stuff that’s ahead but the LIGHT and TRUTH that is coming will be more grand, more majestic, and more glorious, than I could ever put into words. America and the Constitution will be reborn 3 years after it falls, never to fall again. Patriots & Saints along with the help of John The Revelator — who is not dead — and the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel coming down from the frozen Arctic where they have been hidden away, will save us. Jesus will personally establish a Holy City in the heartland of America, where He will lead and direct His Holy work of salvation. Then, it will be Reborn America that takes war to the Little Horn at Isreal in the Valley of Megiddo (Armageddon), and wins.

Our savior Jesus Christ has reserved his most special children (us) along with his mightiest miracles and grandest signs to occur between now and his Second Coming. He will lead us, guide us, protect us, bless us, and whether we see Him when we die or live to see His coming in person with our own eyes, let us all be found full of faith and among His believers. Faith destroys fear. Big things ahead…

It’s going to be GLORIOUS.

